Friendly to the Enviroment

 Green Key Hotel

We are very pleased and proud to announce that the National Jury of programs "GREEN KEY" decided to reward "Axos" hotel, after having evaluated our application for participating in this ecological label for tourist units. So now we are officially a "GREEN KEY" hotel.

 Friendly to the Enviroment

Nature has the need and participation from everybody. Only if we work all together we will be able to solve the environmental problems of our world. More and more any decisions that we make as a person or as a group has its consequences to the environment. Our daily habits determine in a big scale how the planet that we live is going to be and what are we going to leave to the next generations. Its in our hand to protect nature starting just by changing our habits in the house, in our jobs or in our schools. Even the way that we use our car, doing the shopping or when we are on holidays. Because of that “Axos” hotel has started a campaign to help in that matter, by doing this things:


- The Management has appointed an environmental manager

- We have information material to the rooms on how visitors can help the environment while staying at the hotel

- We changed all the lights in the rooms with energy saving light bulbs. It uses less electricity than standard bulbs to do the same job (except the public areas)

- We have putted a special bin for the used batteries in the reception area

- We have replaced all the batteries with recharged ones for all the remote controls of the rooms: TV, DVD, Air Condition

- Smoking is not allowed in hotel’s public spaces 

- We use friendly to the environment detergents

- We use a special jacket for the hot water tank in order to save at list 20% energy

- Hot water pipes are integrally isolated

- We have arranged the water flow from showers and kitchens not to exceed more than 9 litres per minute

- We use special mechanisms on balcony doors and windows to save electric energy from the air-conditions

We use Key-cards in the rooms for electricity

- We have replaced all of the TV’s in the rooms with certificated low energy ones

- We have installed motion detector sensors in most of the public areas to ensure that the lights are on, only for the time period that is needed

- We train the staff on environmental management

- We use and promote local products from local suppliers

- We have putted to all the rooms recycle bags for paper, plastic and aluminium 

Hotel Axos

Maxis Kritis 167, Platanes

Rethymno, Kreta, Griechenland

PLZ: 74100

Telefon: +30 2831054472

Handy: +30 6974771078

Fax: +30 2831023513






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